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The ability to correctly perceive an object or word, even when it is partly hidden. Difficulty with this skill might mean that a child has to study a word or sentence carefully can process it.

  • Visual closure helps you to quickly make sense of what you see, even if it is not all visible to you, which means you do not have to have every little detail in order to recognize something

  • It also allows you to quickly recognise words by their shape or general arrangement of letters without paying too much attention to each individual letter together with visual memory skills, to remember letters and words (especially sight words)

Visual Closure

Related Exercises

Below is a list of exercises that will help improve your Visual Closure. Click on the image to access the exercise you want to do.


Level One

Level Two

Level Three

Targeted Exercise

 (Shorter exercises designed to work on specific areas)



Half Pictures

Covered Words


(Helps with all areas)


(Bridging the gap between the exercises and school work)

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